FCFS(First-Come-First-Serve) Disk Scheduling Algorithm

FCFS (First-Come-First-Serve) is the easiest disk scheduling algorithm among all the scheduling algorithms. In the FCFS disk scheduling algorithm, each input/output request is served in the order in which the requests arrive. In this algorithm, starvation does not occur because FCFS address each request.

Advantages of FCFS Disk Scheduling Algorithm

  1. In FCFS disk scheduling, there is no indefinite delay.
  2. There is no starvation in FCFS disk scheduling because each request gets a fair chance.

Disadvantages of FCFS Disk Scheduling Algorithm

  1. FCFS scheduling is not offered as the best service.
  2. In FCFS, scheduling disk time is not optimized.

Example of FCFS scheduling

A real-life example of the FCFS method is buying a movie ticket on the ticket counter. In this scheduling algorithm, a person is served according to the queue manner. The person who arrives first in the queue first buys the ticket and then the next one. This will continue until the last person in the queue purchases the ticket. Using this algorithm, the CPU process works in a similar manner. Turn Around Time = Completion Time - Arrival Time Waiting Time = Turnaround time - Burst Time The average waiting Time is determined by summing the respective waiting time of all the processes and divided the sum by the total number of processes.